26 March 2014

Architecting on AWS - Day 2, Sydney

These are my notes from day 2 of the Amazon ‘Architecting on AWS’ course which was run in Sydney in March 2014. The trainer/presenter was John Rotenstein from AWS.

Route 53

  • AWS DNS provider
  • Split DNS? Is this possible?
  • Subdomains can CNAME to an aws address (e.g. assets.s3.aws.com)


  • Round robin
    • Weighted
      • 0 will stop traffic going to that address
    • Equal
  • Latency based
    • Serve closest (least latency) instance
  • Health checks (check for return string from page)

Elastic Load Balancers

  • Distribute load across availability zones
  • Sits behind a DNS round robin (which sends traffic to a region)
  • Never cache the IP address of a load balancer - i.e. use the DNS name
  • ELB’s can expand and contract based upon load
  • Health checks can occur
    • TCP
    • HTTP (check for 200 response)
    • HTTPS (200 response)
    • SSL
  • HTTPS offloading can be enabled at the ELB
  • ELB can have a security group around it
  • Supports port 80, 443 and >1024 (<1024 may have problems)
  • Cross zone balancing can be turned on (e.g. balance between AZ’s)
  • Connection draining keeps users on the same machine, even if the health check fails

  • Not as advanced as F5
  • F5 has an AMI
    • Not fully managed, ELB is fully managed
  • WebSockets will not work over ELB as there is a 60 second timeout. To use WebSockets you will need to implement a keepalive call before the timeout.
  • It is advisable to keep state in a DB, rather than in a web server, as you can’t guarantee the same web-server will be served to the client

Cloud Front

  • CDN
  • Can be pointed to:
    • S3 bucket
    • EC2
    • Own web server
  • Edge locations are very big
  • CloudFront can alias directories, regex (*.htm)
    • Serve dynamic content from web server on EC2
    • Serve static data from S3
    • Serve login from your own web server
  • Signed URLs are a secure way to access CDN data (access token and timestamp appended to URL)
  • Manual invalidation of data is possible using the API/Console
  • Real Time Media Playback distribution is possible for media stored in S3

  • AWS PodCast, 850Gb in 2013, cost AWS $101…
  • Charges are per hit, e.g. lots of hits on small files will cost more

Cloud Watch

  • Monitors and Alerts
  • Monitoring of most AWS services is provided at no charge
  • EC2 is free at 5 minute monitoring
    • Data returned will show what the HyperVisor can see
      • CPU
      • Disk
      • Network
    • You can use scripts to return other stats
      • Memory
      • Swap space
      • Disk space
    • Aggregated metrics on Auto-Scaling Groups (e.g. if the average CPU over the group is >80% trigger an alarm)
  • ELB has metrics for alerting/monitoring
  • You can visualise metrics in the CloudWatch console
  • 10 metrics and 10 alarms free, per month
  • CloudWatch only retains data for 14 days

Elastic Beanstalk

  • Allows developers to deploy code to AWS without worrying about infrastructure
  • Push with git, or upload code
  • For each tier, you deploy separate EBS instances
    • Presentation
    • Application
      • This tier can have an RDS attached, however, when you delete the tier, you will lose your data
  • Logs are pushed to S3

Cloud Formation

  • Allows us to create templates which will deploy an environment, e.g. DEV, PROD and TEST etc.
  • Templates are JSON
  • Every developer can have a ‘mini production’ environment
  • Great way to reduce change management, just use the template
  • Store in git and use a diff to show changes
  • CloudFormer is a tool to generate templates
  • Madeira Cloud to “draw” templates

Elasticity, Scalability and Bootstrapping


  • Provision resources ‘just in time’
  • Ensure instances are highly utilised all the time
  • You can use elasticity to scale out and in, based upon expected load variation
  • Example: Animoto
  • There is a default limit on the amount of EC2 instances, ~20 by default



  • Automagical processes
  • Loosely coupled servers (use an ELB)
  • Stateless (use no state or use DynamoDB)
  • Horizontal scaling
  • SOA

Anti Patterns

  • Manual process
  • Tight coupling
  • Stateful
  • Vertical scaling


  • Automatic setup of servers
    1. OS
    2. Copy data
    3. Config etc…
  • Scripts
    • ‘User data’ on instance (shell, powershell, cmd, etc.)
      • #! on linux
      • <script> or <powershell> on windows
      • Only runs the first time an instance is run - it does not run again if you stop and start an instance
    • ‘User data’ shows up as metadata in the instance:
      • from host
      • This can be used to inject config variables, e.g. as JSON string
  • Chef, Puppet, etc.
  • Amazon OpsWorks


  • OS
  • Frameworks
  • Code
  1. Create full AMI
    • Fast to boot
    • New AMI every time you need to change the code
  2. Create a half AMI
    • Medium boot time
  3. Nothing on the AMI
    • Longer to boot and start
  4. Hybrid
    • Chef / Puppet
    • Generate an AMI from the new codebase, each time it is changed
    • This is used by NetFlix
    • Best of all worlds


  • Can be scheduled, and also reactive to metrics
  • Launch configuration == What do you want to run
  • Auto scaling group == Where do you want to run
    • Subnet
    • Which configuration to use
    • Scaling policies
  • Autoscaling can be used to maintain amount of instances, not just for scaling up and down
    • max of 1 and min of 1, will maintain the server at … 1!
    • Conformity Monkey at NetFlix
  • If an AZ goes down, and there is a rush to get compute resources in an AZ, AWS may not grant instances to the customer…………….. ouch (you can reserve compute, but it will not be guaranteed)
  • Auto scaling group termination policies can be set
    1. OldestLaunchConfiguration will allow graceful upgrading (e.g. scale up to double for a day, then scale back to normal)
    2. ClosestToNextInstanceHour will save money
    3. OldestInstance
    4. NewestInstance
    5. Default oldest instance terminated

Data Storage

  • POSIX vs Object Store
    • Different paradigm
  • Be creative - use storage alternatives such as in-memory caching!


  • POSIX compliant
  • ‘SnapShottable’
    • Used blocks are copied to S3… but you cannot see them!
    • Incremental
  • Can be added as a drive to an instance
  • You cannot resize an EBS volume, you must snapshot and then restore to a new EBS volume from the snapshot
  • EBS volumes are not run across AZ’s
  • Multiple 1TiB volumes can be striped together for disks which need to be larger than 1TiB
  • EBS volumes work better with random IO, instance stores are better otherwise
  • Do not use EBS for
    • Temporary storage, use Instance store
    • Very high durability
    • Storing static web content, use S3
    • Structured data, use RDS or DynamoDB

Instance / Ephemeral

  • Free if you choose an instance with attached storage
  • You lose the contents of that drive when you stop or restart the instance
  • About same speed as EBS standard
  • Good for temporary data:
    • Buffer
    • Cache etc…

Anti Patterns

  • Do not use for
    • Persistant storage
    • Database
    • Backup
    • Not sharable


  • Object, not POSIX (File)
  • WORM - Write Once, Read Many
  • Eventual consistency
  • 99.999999999% durability
    • Copied to 3 facilities
    • Reduced redundancy can be chosen, for a lower cost e.g. use for thumbnails, etc. 99.9999%
  • Unlimited storage capacity
  • Folders do not exist… it is an illusion!
  • Key names have 1024 length limit
  • Server Side Encryption can be applied
    • Secure, 3 way access
  • aws s3 sync will sync a directory, or a file to s3

Eventual Consistency


  • Long term archival storage system
  • 3-5 hour retrieval time
  • Access by API only
  • 99.999999999% durability
  • Pay for accessing data

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